Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Where do I get my top 5 new sources from?                                                                                               

    As a Gen z student I have not always followed the the "normal" news sources as maybe someone who grew up with the television on has known. I get a lot of my news from various sources which most happen to be through the popular social media apps like Tik Tok and Instagram. I think most of my generation tends to lean towards these types of news platforms is because it is quick and most of the time easier to understand than the news you would see on TV.

      #1. tiktok.com
    I have remembered using Tik Tok as a source of news primarily since 2019-2020. This was right around the Biden/Trump election that occurred in 2020. I also vividly remember starting to use this as a source of news when Covid hit and the world shut down. Of course while you are using Tik Tok we have to understand that it can not always be a 100% reliable source of news. I use this as a source of news because its the main app I use on my day to day life. Although I only use it for about 1-1.5 hours a night I tend to find a bunch of sources of news day to day. While using Tik Tok it  gives you random algorithm through the videos you engage with, therefor if I like a video talking about politics the next time I go on the app it is more likely that a video about politics will come up.                                                                                           

    Instagram is source of news I use but I follow through news of specific accounts. On Instagram I follow CNN,CBS, and Fox News so I can get different prospectives of news and can fact check from each source. This is a quick and easy way for me to check news sources that I know are to be more true than sources like Tik Tok. I like being able to follow different sources through one app and not have to search around through an app to find news.

#3. google.com 

    I use google as a source to find news because you can ask it basically anything you want and it will almost always come up with some sort of answer. These answers can also not always be 100% be correct but from what I have found so far most seem to be correct as long as you are looking on the right websites. I love this source because along with the other social medias it is a fast and for the most part a reliable source. I think google would be a lot of peoples sources considering how easy it is to use and how fast you can answer to your question.


    Since snapchat is my main source to contact my friends I am always on it. There is a discovery page and a for you page. These pages have all different types of information and you can just tell some of the stories are fake whether it is about politics or how long someone can hold their breathe. This is one of the reasons I try not to use snapchat as a valid option to get real news information. On the other hand since it is the main source of how I contact my friends it is one of the easiest ways to just quickly look at news information, but of course I have to fact check it after I read the articles

#5. My dad

    I use my dad as a big source of how I get my news especially with politics and international news. Ever since he has been retired about 6 years ago, he has a lot of free time, because of this he has picked up new hobbies and watching the news and following politics has been one of them. He always has the news on whenever I am home and this is the perfect opportunity to be able to fact check the sources they may not always be 100%. He always helps me get a better understanding of what is going on in the world and can tell me the difference between lies that social media tells us v.s. real news. My dad worked in the NYPD for the ATF and FBI for 26 years and this also can help me understand when certain arrests happen because he knows all the laws. I can often get confused about certain laws and he always can help me figure out what is right and wrong.