Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Google Presentation

I was not in class for the presentations unfortunately, but I did get to listen to two of the presentations. The one I want to talk about is the google presentation which happened to be someone who was in the same group as me. He had some very interesting facts about google.  

Google was launched in 1998 and was not supposed to be nearly as big as it is today. There was not supposed to be all the extra apps like google email, google sheets, and all the extra extensions they have. Initially I was so surprised to hear this because google has slowly taken over the world year after year and is now one of the biggest platforms I have ever known. I also had heard before that google was started in a garage, but I was not sure if it was true or something I had just heard.  

One thing I did not know nor have ever heard about that google had made phones, laptops, earbuds, and has a whole entire line of electronics a long with all the other applications they have connected through google. While I knew about the applications, I did not know how long they have been around for. Through the presentation I learned that these applications came out from 2004-2006. I was born in 2004, and it is crazy to think about how it was all around when I was just born. These technologies are so helpful and a great way to have everything all together through one account. I thought it was interesting to learn about google more than just the standard stuff people already know.  

I also have been learning about “google Gemini” in one of my classes and had wished it got talked about. This is a source of AI that google has created and is being used by many people every day. I just wonder how it compares to just using regular “google” to get an answer. Obviously when you use google sometimes the answer doesn’t always just pop and and you kind of have to search for it, but with google gemini (AI) you can just get a direct answer. I wonder if google Gemini will slowly start to become more popular than googles generic browser.

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