Thursday, September 5, 2024

History and Workings of the U.S. Supreme Court

 History and Workings of the U.S. Supreme Court

The history and how the supreme court has so much more than the normal person would think. Personally I did not know anything about the history of the U.S. Supreme Court or how it worked before I watched the videos on Media and Law Literary Blog Post. I feel like I have a much better understanding of how the Supreme Court works. I think it is so amazing all the behind the scene stuff that goes on.     


In Video Part 1 It talked about all the history that has gone into the U.S. supreme Court and how it has been around for over 200 years. The power runs through public faith and everyone understanding how the Court works. There has only been 100 supreme court justices that have served through out the whole entire time it has been in business. They serve for about 16 and the president at the decide who will be the next people to go into the court. It is also almost impossible to be elected into the Supreme court. In the video it states "Being appointed to the supreme court is the same as being stuck by lightening". This shows how serious and hard it is to be appointed into the Court. Once you get appointed you do not start actually working until 3-5 years. It is just basically a tradition so you can see how everything fully works first. The public did not start accepting the court for decades after it started. There was a big controversy in the Supreme court with Dred Scott. He was a slave from Missouri who wanted to be freed. He tried to declare freedom under an act of congress but they stated that congress has no power in banning slavery. Once the war was over the Constitution changed the slavery laws and awarded them all citizenship.


In Video Part 2 it taught me how the U.S. Supreme Court works in many different ways, ways I would have had no clue about. There are 9 people who are juries while a case is in the works and while this is happening all 9 juries have different questions, which they must juggle all within a 30 minute time period. Once they decide on a result to the case one of them has to write the "opinion" and explain the legal reasons to why they chose the decision they chose. These "opinions" can take up to four weeks to write and they usually have about 12 drafts until they make it perfect.  All in all most people can accept how the court works and how they play straight and keep it fair.

If I am being honest I really knew nothing about how the U.S. supreme court worked. Everything the video taught me was nothing I had already knew. I think the most shocking thing to me about the Supreme Court was the history behind it and how many years it dates back to. I was most shocked when I learned that the Supreme Court Receives about 100 cases a week, about 7000 a year and they only choose a 100 per year. This seems really crazy to me be the ratio of cases received and cases chosen seems really off. I am really happy I was able to watch these videos and have a better understanding of how the Supreme Court works.

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