Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Privacy Ted Talks


Watching these ted talks was honestly really scary because a lot of this information I was not informed about. The fact that there is so many technology scares now a days is really worrisome. I think there are many ways this can affect myself, my friends, and my family.


I think these issues can affect me because I have always been posted on the internet ever since I was very little. Both of my siblings are older than me and they helped me create different platforms on instagram, snapchat, and youtube, at this time I was only 7 years and I did not even now what I was posting or where I was posting it too.

For this same exact reason I think this is why it could affect my friends as well, we all had social media accounts at around the same age as me and were posting a lot of random stuff. At an age this young we do not even understand what we were posting or where we were posting it to. This is why now we can understand and be more conscious about what we are posting and where we are posting it. 

On the other hand this is why I think older people do not have to worry as much. They grew up with little to no technology so they only started to gain these new technologies when they were old enough to understand what they were doing with it.

With saying this after watching these videos I think we can all be a little more careful after what we are posting on the internet.                 

I think the government should definitely do something about the little privacy our phones give us.it is unethical for the government and basically anyone to be able to see our phones information.  I also have to take into consideration that in the Ted Talk video it talks about how if the government makes our phones more private it will also make it harder to catch criminals which would be worse for our society. This is a hard topic to debate about because both sides are very compelling.

I honestly do not believe there is much we can do to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy. With the mass surveillance they talked about in the Ted Talk and how there are hundreds of pictures of all of our license plates i'm not sure if we can do much we can do to protect ourselves. They talked about "Electric Tattoos" which are basically everything we have done on our phones can be traced  back to us. Facial recognition is also getting scary good and is non reversible. The government can get a detailed portrait of how private citizens interact; thanks to modern technology nothing is  private anymore. Because of this I do not think there is really anything you can do to prevent this.

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